Thursday, March 20, 2008

Always more to learn.

I sometimes think about what if we could bring back people from the past. To see the marvels of modern technology. If they would be enthralled by it all. Imagine Beethoven being able to listen to his music on an I-pod. Maybe to his pastoral symphony. As he walked in the woods. Or Beethoven being able to watch and listen to his music on a video. Maybe something he never dreamed of when he was alive. And it would be much the same for us. If we came back in 200 years, I suppose. Maybe people will be routinely vacationing on the moon. Or on Mars. Inside plastic domes. And able to venture out in specially designed space suits. And to feel what it's like walking as if almost weightless. The human experience will be so much different. So much more profound. For everyone being able to see Earth from such a distance. And fossil fuels will be a thing of the past. There will be new forms of energy. New forms of thought. And capitalism will be gone, and replaced by something more humane. People will think of the year 2008 as savage times. When we were still a very, very stupid society. But then, I suppose, we are always stupid to some degree. Because there is always more to learn. About life. And love. --Jim Broede

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