Thursday, March 20, 2008

When really it is bad, bad, bad.

Yes, it takes technology. And that gives us more opportunity to delve inside ourselves. To express ourselves. Without these technical devices, we would be unable to have sort of instant communication. The printing press was a big breakthrough. But now we have so much more. The pity of it is that if we aren't careful, we could become robots. So much of expression can be robotic. Like the 30-second sound bite. We craft our communication into tiny time capsules. They are meaningful in one sense. But oh, so robotic. So automatic. As if we have put our lives on cruise control. That is what the media have turned us into today. We hear a hum-drum. We even go marching off to war. In lock step. Because we are programmed for war. Without even having to think about it. We are fed lies. Lies about us being in danger. We are told that we are right. And that others are wrong. Yes, we have become good citizens. Robotic citizens. Some of us even think that George Bush has wrought so much good. When really it is bad, bad, bad. --Jim Broede

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