Friday, April 4, 2008

...redefining the common good.

Let’s say I was king. And that I ruled by divine right. And that would allow me to make a better world. That is, what I consider a better world. What would I do? I suppose I’d start by finding ways to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. I’d prohibit my subjects from becoming filthy rich. There would be no limits on spiritual richness. Just on material accumulations. One could own only so much. So much money. So many luxuries. I’d tax the rich. Heavily. There wouldn’t be any billionaires. Maybe no multi-millionaires. And I’d use the taxes for the common good. In an attempt to guarantee everyone the basic necessities of life. We’d have universal health care, for instance. And as king, I’d try to set a good example. I wouldn’t live in a castle. Just a relatively humble abode. I guess I’d try to cut down on the so-called material luxuries of life. Yes, I’d start by redefining the common good. –Jim Broede

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