Saturday, April 12, 2008

...a shame, a disgrace on America.

Shame on me. Shame on the American people. For allowing George Bush to get away with murder. Yes, literally. With murder. By pursuing a so-called preemptive war. A senseless and obscene war. In which thousands of soldiers have died. And oh, so many innocent civilians. Including thousands of women and children. And so many, many more maimed. For life. All in the name of what? National security? Waging war on terrorism? Give me a break, please. We impeached Bill Clinton for much less. For having an affair with an intern. But we Americans haven’t found it fit to impeach George Bush. For crimes far, far worse. For a war based on faulty information. If not downright intentional lies. And a war that has ravaged America’s reputation in the world. An immoral war. And we Americans sit idly on our hands. We allow this war to go on and on and on. A renowned economist says it’ll cost American taxpayers at least $3 trillion. We’ve run the country into record-setting debt. Thanks to George Bush and his conservative Republican colleagues. They are accessories to these crimes. And it’s as if we feel powerless. As if we ordinary Americans can’t do anything about it. Yes, it’s a shame, a disgrace on America. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Jaga Kut Niya Negus said...

I do think Bush impeachment is likely---if we can ever get someone in office who respect the US Constitution and whose willing to produce human rights and stop wasting our money on (population control).