Monday, April 14, 2008

She had me fooled.

Sorry to say it, but Hillary Clinton has turned me off. I used to like her. Thought she'd make a good president. But seems to me she has become too much of a politician. Trying too desperately to win. And in the process, she seems to have sold her soul. Trying to make her opponent for the Democratic nomination look bad. By grasping at petty little things. Yes, I once thought Hillary Clinton was above petty politics. She had me fooled. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Jaga Kut Niya Negus said...

I hear you Jim---
I am pretty much backing Obama but I have him under the microscope.
I didn't like how his campaign handled our Texas Two Step during his primary here.
Then we all know McCain has some problems---serious miscues and a warmonger...
as well as questionable POW policy.
Hillary has taken more money than any republican or democrat from the big drug companies and the defense industry.
Hillary is also more conservative than either McCain or Obama.