Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yes, an elitist.

I see that Barrack Obama is being called an elitist. And he’s being criticized. Yes, for not being like everyone else. For seeming to be better than most folks. And you know what I say about that? Good for Obama. That’s the sort of person I want for president. Someone who actually is superior to the rest of us. A true statesman. Not just a politician. That makes for a good leader. The problem with George Bush is that he calls himself the decider. That he knows what’s best for all of us. But I think he’s the worst president we’ve ever had. Inferior. Just one of us stupid people. Yes, give me an elitist. I’ll take Obama over Bush any day. I want a smart man in the White House. A caring man. A kind man. A man who knows what he’s doing. A true leader and statesman. Someone able to show us the way. Someone who’s superior. Yes, an elitist. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Jaga Kut Niya Negus said...

Transparent Man
By Kenneth from Round Rock, TX - Mar 9th, 2008 at 1:06 pm EDT
Transparent man

Tall with tight wife---seeing str8 thru life.

Most will not see what we can---

As we are---simply look at the Man---directing our minds to looking at ourselves in America.

He’s transparent---transformer of truth. Ascender of political agenda. Unifier of youth. Sun for the old.

All this transparency I HOPE YOU let us SEE THROUGH YOU—transparent man.

___for barrack obama (3/9/08) klcouncil