Thursday, April 17, 2008

...corrupted by the system.

I see that Hillary Clinton's negative ratings have gone up. Doesn't surprise me. I look at her more negatively lately than positively. Used to be the other way around. I thought for a long time that I'd support her for president. Quite willingly. But then Barrack Obama appeared on the scene. And he won me over. He'd be a breath of fresh air in the White House. And I began to think that Hillary Clinton would be a breath of stale air. Too much old-time politics. Filled with negativity. Always berating your opponent. I've had enough of that stuff. Hillary has taken to sniping. Anything to try to reverse her downward trend. Only thing is, she's digging herself a deeper and deeper hole. Less credibility. Yes, maybe she's been around too long. She's been corrupted by the system. --Jim Broede

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