Monday, June 23, 2008

Please god, we need more time.

I'm not particularly proud to be an American. Oh, I am proud in some ways. Proud that I live in a country where I have freedom of speech. And a relative amount of freedom, period. But I also think that my nation does some pretty shameful things. Like starting a war, for instance. And denying its citizens universal health care. And for allowing such a wide gap between the rich and poor. Oh, so many things I don't like. But I'm trying to make America a better place. By working for change. In my own ways. I could choose to run off to another part of the world. To live. And give up on America. But I don't do that because there are some things I like. And I'm sort of addicted to America. Because I'm allowed to gripe and complain. Without being put in prison. At least, so far. And I'm also allowed to proclaim that I consider myself a citizen of the world. Not just Amerca. I think there are other reasonably nice places in the world. I like different cultures. One thing I like about America is it's melting pot population. Quite a blend of nationalities and races. Unfortunately, lots of strife, too. Blatant racism. Sometimes, we are mean to each other. But there are more and more instances of many of us coming together. Changes for the better. Albeit, it's a slow, slow process. Maybe it'll take forever. Please god, give us more time. --Jim Broede

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