Monday, June 30, 2008

...won't ever see a flag pin on me.

I think I'm patriotic. To a reasonable degree, that is. I don't want to be a super patriot. I don't want to declare loyalty to America above all else. I generally don't cite the pledge of allegiance. I don't wear the American flag pin in my lapel. When I buy postage stamps, I ask for anything but the American flag. Oh, when I'm at a ball game, I stand for the national anthem. Out of respect. I'd stand for other national anthems, too. Out of respect. I was born an American citizen. And I accept my responsibilities as a citizen. Even served three years in the military. Overseas. But I would have disobeyed an order if I thought it was morally wrong. My allegiance is to something more lofty, more spiritual than my country. I guess I'm writing about this because Barack Obama gave a speech today. About patriotism. That he doesn't question anyone's patriotism. And therefore, he doesn't want his patriotism questioned either. Wasn't long ago that Obama was called to task by some super patriot for not always wearing the American flag pin in his lapel. My reaction? Why should anybody care about such a trivial matter? Anyway, Obama has started wearing the pin. Maybe because it's the politically expedient thing to do. But I have no desire to be a politician. So you won't ever see a flag pin on me. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Please, if any of you want to hurl personal insults at least have the courage to identify yourselves. If you do that, the insults will be printed. If you choose to remain anonymous -- well, it's gonna be much more difficult to get into print. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

LMAO what jimmycrack didn't want the truth to be told??? I said no insults pure true

Broede's Broodings said...

So, you claim to be Sarah Hills from sd. I just want to make sure that ain't a pseudonym. Which would be the same as staying anonymous. What does 'sd' stand for? San Diego? South Dakota? Tell me more about yourself. I googled 'Sarah Hills' and came up with a scantily-clad woman calling herself a 'transexual escort.' Also one that is a fictional character on the BBC series the EastEnders. And a woman who is a real life 'special counsel' in London. Convince me you are a real Sarah Hills and I'll print your initial comment. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

And you want people to use their real names??
For what???
So you can try to track them down???
I can't believe you just admitted to doing that!
Feel lucky, if ANYONE lets you "know" them now.
Geeze, for a guy who preaches about "unconditional" this and that, you sure put conditions on everything!

Broede's Broodings said...

You are able to track me down, dear anonymous. I don't hide away. I have the courage of my convictions. And if I take issue with you, you know who I am. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

P.S. I preach about openness.

Broede's Broodings said...

You haven't convinced me yet that you are real, Sarah. Or whatever your real name is. I still suspect you are a fake. You have nothing but lame excuses to offer me. I suspect you are afraid to be you. I always use my real name. But some people don't. When you truly identify yourself, I'll print your stuff. Show me a little bit of courage. You act as if you are afraid of me. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. --Jim Broede

Maebee said...

Believe me, nobody is afraid of you!
However, this is the internet, and most people do not share that information on the WWW. It has nothing to do with courage; just common sense.

Just because you open yourself up to this, does not mean that everyone does. Why do you really CARE, since you would have no real way of proving who the person truly is, anyway, even if they used a "real" name? Curious, just how do you expect Sarah to "prove" herself?? And, before you or your friends suggest that I am Sarah, I assure you that I am not.

I see you still suggest that those who are not like you, or do as you do, are not good enough. You opened yourself up to criticism as well as praise, when you started this blog. You should either print what is written, or remove the ability to respond.

I had wanted to respond to this entry, but experience has taught me that you really do not want dialogue in which the other person can maintain an opposing point of view.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the delay jimmycrack but work was more important today than to prove to you I am real. So now let me pinch myself .... Yes I am real. Sorry there is nothing to google, I will try harder next time to allow you to find out things about me. I also had sometime last nite to go thru this blog of your. My findings are this
Your replies equaled 281
Anonymous 213!
ones with names 194
That included Laughing Wolfs 33 in
month his 1 liners
Sheri's/cherie's 37
Klcouncil's 15
Beyonds 10
Pro Ame 3
Patricia's 8
Merelyme's 14
These figures are give or take a few. Took me a few pots of coffee and toothpicks to hold my eyes open thru the trash.

So you say you don't like anonymous then why have you in the past allowed so many? Did I say something that struck a nerve? You don't even give me the consideration to tell me what I said that was do awful. Well jimmycrack, you are only making yourself look like a fool. Over and over again.

Broede's Broodings said...

Try a little harder, Sarah. You haven't given me conclusive proof yet that you really are Sarah Hills. I still suspect it's a pseudonym. And that you may be a stalker. Based on what you are telling me in your unpublished comments. I googled Sarah Hills. And I found a Sarah Hills who calls herself a 'transexual escort.' Take a look. She posts a picture. Is that you? Or is it just a coincidence that the two of you share the same name? --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

You already googled the escort. Did you google "it" again???

Broede's Broodings said...

I googled it a second time. Just to see if she was wearing an American flag pin. I don't think she is. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

You gotta develop a sense of humor, Sarah. You're funny. Without knowing it. Because you're so serious. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

The question I have, Sarah, is why do you even care about what I have to say in my blog? You seem to have read it from beginning to end. You even counted the precise number of posted comments by various people, including the posters who chose to remain anonymous. Yes, I think you are a stalker. Otherwise, you'd get on with the rest of your life. You seem fascinated by this blog. Because you keep coming to it. Do you find me irresistible? Or is it what I have to say that draws you in? Anyway, in a sense, you seem to be complimenting me. Thanks. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are irresistible, like a car wreck. Not a compliment, at all.
Why are you even posting ANY of this??
#1 It is a one-sided conversation
#2 It has nothing to do with the entry
Why don't you simply disregard what doesn't please you? It seems you, too, have an addiction.

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, I am addicted. To life. Wonderful life. To being alive and conscious. And in love. I enjoy life. I savor every day. I am having fun. A good time. I get much satisfaction. From this blog, for instance. And you must, too. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading it. You wouldn't be posting. You don't do this to punish yourself. You like it. In your own way. Otherwise, you wouldn't keep coming back. You are fascinated. If you had better things to do, you'd do 'em. And it isn't necessarily a one-sided conversation. Because you know what you've written. And I do, too. I just want to keep the content of my blog reasonably nice. Clean. What I consider nice. And clean. In good taste. You would tend to pollute it to some degree. Because you are somewhat mean-spirited. Not totally. You have a nice side, too. But you have a mean streak. And I am trying to tame you. You need taming. --Jim

Anonymous said...

I am not "Sarah". Just taking a look. I said one sided, because I AM only seeing your responses, referring to a letter from her.

Broede's Broodings said...

Thank you for the clarification, anonymous. You do sound kinder than so-called Sarah. That's why I printed your comments, I guess. And not Sarah's. Sarah is a stalker. Yes, you are nicer than Sarah. Maybe you are what Sarah could be if she had a nice side. I would then try to treat her more courteously. Because she would then have earned the right to be treated with respect. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Another thing, anonymous. I have not printed Sarah's comments because I deem them inappropriate for this blog. But if there was a way for me to forward you Sarah's comments in their entirety, I would gladly do that. Then you could decide for yourself whether I am right or wrong in withholding the comments from print. I would have no qualms sharing such comments with you privately. Because apparently Sarah would have no qualms about them being made public in my blog. If you read the comments, you'd get more of an insight into Sarah's character. It ain't good. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Let me tell you, there's one thing I especially like about America. There are so many, many ways to be a proud American. So many ways to be a patriot. For some, the best way is to wave the flag. And pledge allegiance. And sing the star-spangled banner. For others it's to protest what's happening. The unjust and obscene war in Iraq. The stripping of constitutional rights. The racism. Some of us like to accept America as it is. And others would like to bring about change to make for a better America. Yes, we're all patriots. We just go about it in different ways. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

It's nice to see that we patriots have settled down. --Jim