Thursday, August 28, 2008

...idiots and maybe racists, too.

I have great respect for women. Generally speaking. But seems to me that some women are idiots. And I mean the Hillary Clinton supporters who won't vote for Barack Obama. Because they think Hillary was given the shaft by the Democrats. That she should have been the Democrats' nominee for president. Or at least, Obama's running mate. One national poll even showed that maybe up to 27 percent of Clinton's backers may not vote at all or vote instead for John McCain. Now that's completely idiotic. Obama and Clinton are from the same party, and they are very close on the political issues. Far, far apart from McCain. So, why would a Clinton supporter suddenly switch allegiance to McCain? Well, because they're bitter. In addition to being idiots. They are wrapped up in the cult of personalities. Not so much concerned about real issues. Instead, they just want to see a woman as president. And it doesn't matter much what she stands for. Certainly that's the case if they vote for McCain. If they can't have a woman for president, they'll back Clinton's polar opposite. A man that Clinton personally detests when it comes to the major political issues. Thankfully, Clinton has come out in strong support of Obama. But that doesn't make a difference to Clinton's supporters from the idiot realm. Actually, maybe a case could be made that they are racists. They'd rather vote for a white man with political views contrary to their own rather than for a black man with political opinions virtually the same as their's. Yes, that makes them idiots and maybe racists, too. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

The way I see it, Hillary Clinton advanced as far as she did because she's a woman. If she had been a man, she wouldn't have gotten as many votes in the primaries. Significant numbers of voters voted for her just because she was a woman. It wasn't an issue thing. It was being a woman that helped Clinton. Albeit, she may have lost some votes, too, because she's a woman. But overall, I think she gained more than she lost by her gender status. On the other hand, Barack Obama lost significant numbers of votes merely because he's a black man. This nation still has racist overtones. It's been that way since our founding. In getting the nomination Obama accomplished a more remarkable feat than Clinton would have had she won. Black people have had a far longer way to come than white women in our society. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Let me make it clear, some men are idiots, too. Some of Hillary Clinton's backers who are male won't vote for Barack Obama only because they wanted a woman for the nominee. And they may well be racists, too. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

this coming from the biggest racist i know Jim Broede. If you don't agree with Jim 100% he will call you names, put you down, and slander you. Always talking about how MUCH better he is than anyone else

Broede's Broodings said...

Tell me, Kathy, if I disagree with someone, how does that make me a racist? --Jim