Saturday, August 23, 2008

Love becomes forever. Eternal.

Whenever I am disappointed, whether it be over politics or events in my life, I always get over it. Quickly. Because I remind myself that I am in love. With somebody. Or something. Maybe that is why I am immune to depression. Also, it's important that I stay reasonably healthy. I'd hate being chronically ill. I don't relish the thought of dying a slow, painful death. That might damage my morale. Even when I am alone, I am happy. Because I convince myself, I guess, that I'm not alone. I have myself. My soul. My spirit. My god, so to speak. Yes, I have life. Consciousness. The ability to imagine wonderful things. And I can even put my thoughts into writing. Life so far has given me the opportunity to be an explorer. I keep discovering new things daily. And maybe the greatest discovery of my life is love. I have the ability to love and be loved. Wow! Talk about life being worthwhile. I've lived because I've loved. I'm loving every minute of it. Oh, I've had moments when I thought I would never love again. But then I reflected. And came to the conclusion that's impossible. Love becomes forever. Eternal. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Oh, I love to think. That, in itself, is a form of love. So many, many ways to love. I can make love to almost anything. Maybe everything. I have become a lover. Of life. The very fact that I can consciously conceive of love -- that is a miracle. A blessing. I have chosen to live the rest of my life defining love. Actually, living love. I ultimately want every act that I do to be an act of love. Pure love. Because that is what brings me pleasure. Maybe pleasure and love are one and the same. Words that I associate with love are gentle and tender and soothing. Love is a brook flowing through a forest primeval. Or a drifting of the human spirit above all of creation. Or a stoppage of time that makes one feel foreverness. --Jim Broede