Sunday, August 24, 2008

To flow...naturally.

Life unfolds in strange and mysterious ways. As a writer and a thinker I like to come up with reasons why things happen. But I'm not sure I'm supposed to do that. Instead, I am just supposed to let things happen. Yes, to follow the flow, so to speak. What happens, happens. Maybe we seek too many explanations. We ask for rhyme and reason. Why am I here? Why was I born? Why am I conscious? Sometimes, I wonder if I am even real. Maybe I am just god's dream. I don't know if these thoughts chill me or thrill me. I guess I like to think that I'm on a mission. A mission I don't understand. Maybe that makes me a robot. But maybe it has something to do with love. With the notion of love. That thought keeps surfacing. In my mind. In my spirit. In my being. What else could it be? I'm supposed to love. Whatever it is I am doing. Actually, life. Living. I was just moved to sit down. And write. This. Yes, to just let myself flow...naturally. --Jim Broede

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