Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And let nature take its course.

Just imagine. If Barack Obama had picked the equivalent of an inexperienced Sarah Palin as his running mate. The Republicans would have made political hay out of it. The Republicans would have been merciless in chastising Obama for such a choice. Trying to make him look like a fool. They would have said the Democrats have an inexperienced team. At the top. And at the bottom of the ticket. Well, thankfully, Obama isn't going to be critical of John McCain's choice. He'll just let it be. And let nature take its course. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

The Democrats had better not underestimate Sarah. She may be nutty. But she probably lives up to her nickname Barracuda. She can be a downright dirty fighter. Politics may be in her blood. No scruples. And lots of confidence. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Ms. Palin represents everything about America that has, over the last eight years, made us the laughingstock of the rest of the world: She is provincial and proud of it, poorly educated, and small minded. She is arrogant, petty, and vindictive. She is intolerant of differences and filled with excessive pride in her insignificant achievements.

None of these are characteristics that I ascribe to Alaskans. They are pure Palin.

I am one of those registered independent women who considered voting for McCain after Clinton conceded the nomination. But now just the sight of Palin’s smug visage turns my stomach. I’ll hold my nose and vote for Obama before I vote for any ticket that carries Palin’s name.

— Posted in the New York Times by Ms. Virago