Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How would Jesus vote?

I'm not sure it's fair. But Sarah (Barracuda) Palin's church-going ways are getting lots of scrutiny. In the media. Newspapers. Television. Radio. All over. Maybe that should be private stuff. But hey, the media gave Barack Obama the same treatment. Now, it's Palin's turn. I think Obama withstood it quite well. We'll see if Palin does, too. Some folks tried to make out that Obama's spiritual/religious views are way out on the left. Well, now a case is being made that Palin is way out on the right. My. My. They both call themselves Christians. Goes to show there's quite a wide latitude in Christianity. I wonder if Jesus returned to Earth for a second visit if he'd approve of Christianity as we Earthlings practice it. Would he vote for the Obama-Biden ticket or for McCain-Palin? --Jim Broede

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