Saturday, September 13, 2008

I don't want to be field-dressed.

Yes, folks, we are living in an era of tabloid journalism. Just make up a preposterous story. And folks will believe it. Every day has become April Fool's day. Except that the majority believe that the joke is the truth. Sarah (Barracuda) Palin is a joke. Perpetrated by desperate Republicans. Same goes for John McCain. Put them on the ticket together. And package them as reformers. The bringers of change. Mavericks. And people believe it. Just wait until they make their Supreme Court appointments. And stifle universal health care. And start another war. Maybe with Iran. Or if Palin ascends to the presidency, maybe even with Russia. Meanwhile, I'm just thankful I'm not a moose. I don't want to be shot and field-dressed, especially by a gun-toting woman. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is coming through, here, is innuendo, name calling, and snide remarks. Not unlike the news media, I would say. The political arena has never changed. Never will. We are all left to our own devices to help us make the ultimate choices.

I thought I would find differing dialog here.

a fellow traveller