Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh, merciful god, help us.

Here in the United States of America I live in a fantasy land. More or less created by the media. The media frame the agenda. Mostly, it's television. And especially cable. The media no longer just give us news. But rather entertainment. The media create a story. Based largely on who is chosen to be today's celebrity. Lately, it has been Sarah (Barracuda) Palin. She's followed all over. The focus is on this lady from Alaska. Because she's so different. A freak, in a sense. Some call her a cocky wacko. A little like Paris Hilton. Or Brittany Spears. Or Michael Jackson. Yes, Palin is the reigning political celebrity of the moment. And it may get her elected vice president of the United States. Which means John McCain will get a free ride into the White House. And at age 72, and with a history of skin cancer, there's always the possibility that McCain will die before the end of his elected term. And then Sarah Palin, no longer a barracuda, but a Cinderella, will ascend to the lofty heights of so-called leader of the free world. Not because she's a natural born leader and by far the most qualified human being to hold the job -- but just because she was tabbed by the media as celebrity of the current political campaign in America. Yes, she's the focus. And we are being sold on the idea that it's time to elect a female celebrity. Doesn't matter that she may be a wise-cracking war-monger. But she is capable of field-dressing a moose and shooting wolves from an airplane and embellishing her credentials. That makes a good story. She's caught the media's fancy. And so we are being spoon-fed Sarah Palin pablum daily. Heaps and heaps of it. Oh, there's no justification for it. Really. Only that it's entertaining. No doubt about it, Palin will be an entertaining vice president. And maybe an equally entertaining president some day. What a story. This woman emerges out of obscurity. In only a few days. And she becomes royalty. Because the media chose to elevate her to the stage. And to turn on the spotlight. All I can say about this at the moment is, oh, merciful god, help us. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

The sad thing is that Americans of all stripes are buying this story hook, line and sinker. Yes, America is about to go to hell. And that means something even worse than a third term of George Bush. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, folks, we are living in an era of tabloid journalism. Just make up a preposterous story. And folks will believe it. Every day has become April Fool's day. Except that the majority believe that the joke is the truth. Sarah (Barracuda) Palin is a joke. Perpetrated by desperate Republicans. Same goes for John McCain. Put them on the ticket together. And package them as reformers. The bringers of change. Maveriks. And people believe it. Just wait until they make their Supreme Court appointments. And stifle universal health care. And start another war. Maybe with Iran. Or if Palin ascends to the presidency, maybe even with Russia. Meanwhile, I'm just thankful I'm not a moose. I don't want to be field dressed, especially by a gun-toting woman. --Jim