Thursday, September 25, 2008

I like cool.

I keep asking myself if I'd rather see Mr. Cool or Mr. Hothead as our next president. Invariably, I side with Mr. Cool. Barack Obama. And I turn thumbs down on Mr. Hothead. John McCain. Yes, I think that when it comes to temperament, Obama is the one far more suited for the job. He tends to be clear-headed. To listen to all sides of an argument. To be fair. Polite. Cordial. McCain, on the other hand, has been known to lose his cool. He has a temper. He's berated people, even his colleagues, with profanity. Some of Obama's Republican critics suggest that his being cool as the proverbial cucumber shows he lacks passion. That's baloney. What Obama has is an over-riding sense of fairness. And he's thoughtful. He's by far superior to McCain in the intellectual realm. And what's even more important, I think Obama has integrity. Certainly, more integrity than McCain. I don't trust McCain. He's too much like George Bush. Stubborn. Seldom learning from failure. And a utilizer of political gimmickery. Unfortunately, everybody who ever ran for president is a politician. But I see Obama as less of a politician than McCain. And hey, Obama is the cool guy. I like cool. --Jim Broede

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