Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I practice what I like most.

Oh, I survive. And thrive. I suppose because I'm basically an optimist. Much more so than a pessimist. On one hand, I see so many bad events happening in this world. But still, I think I have the good life. Because I'm in love. And I have good health. And I manage to have the essentials of life. Yes, I'm lucky, so to speak. Luckier than lots of people. I'd like to make the world a better place. Especially for others. But I don't go on a guilt trip. Instead, I take life one day at a time. And I try to do, if not my best, at least a reasonable semblance of good. Mostly, loving good. That's my primary focus. It gets my mind off other things. The not so good things. The political, social and economic conditions in America and the rest of the world. I recognize that my control over these things is rather limited. But hey, I can control my attitude. And my love life to a large degree. And so I proceed accordingly. I practice what I like most. Daily. Love. And writing. --Jim Broede

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