Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Socialism will save the day.

I get the feeling that we're headed for some really bad economic times. And it may be an indictment of the capitalist system. That it was allowed to run rampant. Unregulated. The idea was to allow for unlimited profits. Greed, one might say. In a sense, unlimited exploitation. The kind of thing that widens the gap between the rich and the poor. And now that private money lending institutions and insurance companies are failing, it's government that comes to the rescue. In essence, we're resorting to the nationalization of private companies. To save them. Yes, private enterprise always opposed socialism. Private enterprise wanted all of the profits. Even exobitant and obscene profits. Like it was an inherent right to rake in everythinhg it could. Often, without any consideration for the common good. Sometimes, it might have made sense to make less profit for the sake of the public good. Isn't it ironic that now, when private companies are steeped in big economic losses, they seek government help? They want a bail out. With public funds. Yes, suddenly socialism seems like a good idea. To the very people who used to decry it. On principle. That it verged on communism. Yes, it's a bail out. Private enterprise wants the profits, without taking the risks. These same businesses will oppose universal health care. Any why? Because it's 'socialized' medicine. A bad thing. Instead, the idea is to allow private insurers to sell health insurance -- at huge profits. But if the private venture goes awry, you can bet on one thing. The government will be asked to come to the rescue. And yes, socialism will save the day. --Jim Broede

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