Tuesday, September 23, 2008

...because I simply choose to love.

On any given day, I see so many bad events going on. Such as the school shootings in Finland today. And the war casualties. The sagging economy. The countless injustices. But still, I don't become discouraged. Because I am in love. I get solace. Comfort. From my ability to cultivate love. Yes, a feeling. I'm alive. And oh, so happy. Really. And that makes all the difference. That's my salvation. My link to god. Yes, love is what makes life so bounteous. I have the opportunity to spend today loving. I can't control horrid events here on planet Earth. Maybe not even god can do that. But I'm able to feel enamored anyway. With my surroundings. With another. With life as a whole. Oh, I could lament about life being hell, as so many do. But I choose, instead, to believe I'm in Paradise...because I simply choose to love. --Jim Broede

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