Saturday, October 4, 2008

America had gone to hell.

Oh, my gawd. I woke up this morning after a horrible nightmare within a nightmare. I'm still shaking. The John McCain-Sarah Palin ticket won the election. And McCain died. Yes. Palin became president. America had gone from George Bush to McCain to Palin. America had gone to hell. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, Sarah Palin is a nightmare. I can't believe that she's real. What is happening to the USA? That a woman such as this actually could become president. It must be god's cruel joke. If this happens, god is not love. God is a jokester. A cruel jokester. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Are you SERIOUS? If God doesn't
do what YOU want, HE's a JOKESTER?
Shame on you!! God says He will NOT
be mocked! I feel exactly the same
way as you, except about Barack
Obama! You and others like to blame
the state of the world on George
Bush! Ridiculous! At least he was
loyal to his wife during his eight
years in office. What I'm ashamed
of is that Americans voted Bill
Clinton in twice. And you think
Hillary's good? Wake up, and please
stop blaspheming! God is God, He is
on His throne, and He will not be