Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And maybe I'm crazy, too.

If I were preoccupied with making money, with becoming monetarily rich, I'd be a Republican. No doubt about it. I think that's the basic tenet of Republicanism. Allow free rein. When it comes to making money. Little wonder that an overwhelming number of rich people are Republicans. But what surprises me is that so many in the middle class are Republicans, too. Maybe because they dream of becoming rich. Anyway, I hear Republicans telling me that in a free country everybody should have the opportunity to become rich. Filthy rich. Obscenely rich. I just can't buy into that. Because it allows for far too much exploitation. The rich often get rich by exploiting the poor and the middle classes. They dupe the rest of us. Into thinking it's pro-American to be a Republican. Because Republicans oppose higher taxes. Because they are patriots. And laissez-faire capitalists. And opponents of socialism. Except, of course, when it helps the rich. An example being the bailout of Wall Street. To a Republican, it's good to have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. It happens, they tell us, because the rich are industrious. They know how to take care of themselves. They set a fine example for the rest of us. And if we are poor, it's because we deserve to be poor. We don't have enough ingenuity and moxie to become rich. So we settle for less. But sometimes, I think less is more. I'm happy and in love. In that sense, I'm richer than some millionaires and billionaires. And maybe I'm crazy, too. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

Actually, Republicanism's "basic tenets" have liberty and rights as central values. The People, as a whole, are sovereign, and expected to be independent in carrying out their legally enforceable duties of citizenship(paying taxes, serving on a jury, serving in the armed forces when called upon, obeying criminal laws).
It has been part of our value system since the American Revolution. It is actually strongly inclined AGAINST corruption.

The USA is actually a Republican Democracy, but I am digressing to labeling, which is purely subjective. It is really naive to lump all Republicans as you do. There are filthy rich exploitive Democrats, too. The Republicans do not necessarily favor a "poor class", as that would remove the element they need, to distribute products and services.

While we do live in a free country, where we ARE free to pursue our liberties, we are NOT free to impinge the rights of our fellow citizens. The rich are NOT free to exploit anyone. Someone simply needs the balls to call them on it.

What we DO have, are too many loopholes, along with too many lawyers that make their $$$ finding them.

Socialism, as you propose it, would destroy our very fabric of freedom. Socialized medicine is being proven to not work, both in Canada and the UK. Waiting lists, for medical care, are reaching from months to years, simply because the People do not have the freedom of choice.

Broede's Broodings said...

You do sound like a Republican, Maebee. I'm not saying you are. Just that you sound like one. Fully brain-washed. Now take that as a compliment. Because I'm saying you at least have a brain to be washed. And you should know, as well as I do, that we've never had a completely free country. We enslaved a race for a long time. By law. Legally. We denied women and blacks basic civil and human rights for far too long. We still deny many of our citizens basic rights. Often through trickery and manipulation. And as in your case, through brain-washing. You've succumbed. Without even knowing it. That's real effective brain-washing. --Jim

Maebee said...

Nope! I am completely Independent. I vote the person, not the Party.
I have always voted that way, and I abhor the fact that we have to vote straight-ticket in the primaries.

I tried a dialog on the race issues before, not going back there.