Saturday, October 18, 2008

Better than being a Republican.

You gotta give John McCain credit. When he's desperate, he'll try just about anything to turn around his sagging campaign for president. Mostly, by trying to discredit his opponent, Barack Obama. Instead of telling us what he (McCain) would do, McCain keeps trying to tell us what Obama would do. In terms meant to be negative. If truth be told, McCain would give us more George Bush. More Bush failed policies. The same policies that have America in deep doo-doo. Economically. This weekend, McCain has taken to labeling Obama a socialist. I suppose that's just a prelude to calling Obama a communist, ala the late Joe McCarthy. By the way, if anybody is a born-again socialist, it's George Bush, of all people. With the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. That's about as socialist as one can get. Only a staunch free-enterprise conservative capitalist like Bush could get away with such a proposal. And hey, guess who's backed it? McCain and Obama and a majority of Congress. They're all socialists. And some of the best programs we have in the USA -- Social Security and Medicare -- have socialist roots. Well, anyway, McCain's intent seems to be to turn voters against Obama by calling him a socialist. Being a liberal isn't enough any more, I guess. Anyway, I've been proudly proclaiming for years that I'm a liberal and a socialist sympathizer. I wear those labels proudly. Better than being a Republican. --Jim Broede

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