Friday, October 31, 2008

He ain't a maverick any more.

It's a good sign. Many Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon and supporting Barack Obama for president. I mean real politicians. Republican officeholders. Not the GOP's conservative base, of course. But you've gotta admire the moderate Republicans who'd rather vote for Obama than for John McCain. Meanwhile, I'd like McCain to do the right thing. By announcing that even he'll vote for Obama. Wouldn't that be startling? If that happens, I'd like to see Obama find a place for McCain in his cabinet. You know, some years ago McCain was being mentioned as a possibility for vice president -- on the Democratic ticket. As a means of making government work in a relatively non-partisan way. McCain used to be a maverick. So it wasn't outlandish to think of him as a running mate with a Democrat. Unfortunately, he ain't a maverick any more.--Jim Broede

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