Friday, October 31, 2008

I'd find a way to love something.

I don't mind being fanciful. I really like it. Maybe that's why I'm a writer. Because I can pick and choose what I write about. I can say virtually anything. Which means I'm allowed to think. To use my imagination. To write the way I want to write. No restraints really. Especially if I don't publish what I write. It really gives me a sense of freedom. Oh, people will take offense at some of what I write. But that's all right. And we can disagree with each other. That's fine, too. See, I'm in love. In so many ways. With life. With someone special. And not least, in love with words. With thoughts. With expression. So it's natural for me to write. In school I was taught to read. And to write. I had to do that to learn. To understand that I was alive. And functioning. I had to become literate to feel alive. And now I could be on a desert island. Alone. And still be able to communicate. As long as I could read and write. And think. Imaginatively. I guess that if I were on that desert island, I'd learn to love solitude. Yes, no matter what the situation. I'd find a way to love something. --Jim Broede

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