Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I like America...but

I think of myself as a lover. Almost first and foremost some days. But no matter how hard I try, I can't fall in love with my country. Oh, I can fall in love with life. And with another. A special one. But hey, I find it inappropriate to fall in love with the United States of America. That's a little too abstract for me. I can't bring myself to declare 'America, uber alles.' Maybe it's that I think that would be dangerous. And even immoral. Not a good thing. I would even find it difficult to kill in defense of my nation. Because I think America too often does wrong. Acts like an imperial power. Oh, America does some good, too. And that makes me proud of my motherland or fatherland, or whatever we choose to call it. But I think of myself more as a citizen of the world and the universe and all of Creation -- more so than a citizen of the U.S. I like it that I am afforded freedom of speech. In some places on this Earth, I wouldn't have that right. And maybe I don't have full freedom of expression here and now, today. But still, it seems that I am free to say what I want to say to a reasonable degree. Yes, speech should be a basic human right. No matter where one lives. And I'm also free to fall in love. With someone. Someone precious. And to cultivate this love. And even to write love letters. And to tell everyone that I am truly in love with life. But I'm not in love with America. I like America...but that's different than being truly in love. --Jim Broede

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