Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's an insult. On all of us.

What we need in America and the world is a sense of overhaul. We have to find a way to get things right. So far, we've botched it. With the everyone-for-himself mentality. We've got to change that attitude. Here in America, we don't have democracy. We have a ruling elite. People with money call the shots, so to speak. A plutocracy instead of a democracy. Our Congress and the presidency are controlled by rich people and corporations. Look at the make-up of the Senate, for instance. Almost all of 'em are millionaires. They have rich contributors. Influenced more by lobbyists than by ordinary, middle class citizens. And most of us are oblivious of the workings of government. Of the manipulation. Because we are too busy with just making a living. And caring for our families. Our loved ones. We only take a cursory look at the issues during an election campaign. We hear sound bites. The stupid and misleading campaign commercials. Shallow presentations of the personalities. Oh, so many distortions. We're being lied to all the time. And the lying elite get away with it. Because we are either too lazy or too stupid or to overwhelmed with the other details of life to get it all straight. I'm beginning to think that democracy is a lost cause. Mainly because the masses of people are gullible or downright stupid or ill-informed. For proof of this, look at the way the current presidential campaign is being waged. It's an insult. On all of us. --Jim Broede

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