Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kind of scary, isn't it?

When I go walking in my neighborhood I see lawn signs for 'McCain-Palin.' Not any for 'Obama-Biden.' Maybe that's a bad omen. Or I just happen to live in a Republican neighborhood. Anyway, twice today, I stopped in two yards and asked, 'Why should I vote for McCain-Palin?'

One guy said, 'Because McCain is older. He's been around for a while.' That didn't seem reason enough for me. 'What about the issues?' I asked. The guy thought for a while. "I'll have to study the issues,' he finally said. I hope he does.

Another guy said, 'I'm gonna vote for McCain because he's the lesser of two evils.' I countered, "But aren't you scared? What if he dies in office and Palin becomes president?' He replied: 'Oh, well, our presidents are just figureheads. And she's pretty good to look at.'

Yes, folks, it's my neighborhood. Soon it will be Halloween. Kind of scary, isn't it? --Jim Broede

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