Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My most basic necessity -- love.

Don't worry. Be happy. That's my motto. I'm not lettting the sagging economy get me down. I am concerned. But I'm not gonna let it worry me. Not as long as I have my love to keep me warm. I say that with a smile. I'm trying to look at the bright side. Maybe we are seeing the demise of capitalism. At least as we have known it for so many, many years. I think we are becoming more aware of the haves and have-nots in this world. That's what capitalism has done. Created an ever-widening gap between the rich and poor. When the goal really should be to create a huge middle class. A happy medium. Capitalism encourages greed. A hoarding of wealth. I guess I believe in a comfortable life. Not an extravagant life. A life with some degree of leisure. And a society built on accomplishing the common good. By guaranteeing virtually everyone the basic necessities of life. And to some degree that's accomplished by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. But that's gonna take some doing. We'll have to recondition our thinking. First, we have to recognize that capitalism as it's now practiced doesn't work. It's unfair. Immoral. I think most people wouldn't mind allowing some people to get relatively rich. If only we had a society that provided the 'have-nots' with the basic necessities. Anyway, I know what's my most basic necessity -- love. --Jim Broede

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