Monday, October 13, 2008

My sweet dream.

John McCain is unbelievable. That makes him a liar. And a slimeball. Oh, he'd like us to think he's a maverick. An independent guy. Even willing to cuss out members of his own Republican party. Probably because he has a hot temper. And he has a gigantic ego to boot. And that means he's about next to the last person I'd want as our president. The last would be his running mate, Sarah Palin. They're both vile people. No scruples. Instead of addressing issues, they castigate their opponent, Barack Obama. Suggesting he's untrustworthy. That he's a friend of terrorists. They even have their surrogates calling him Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, that's his real name. But they do it to foment racism. To arouse the rabble. A little bit reminiscent of Hitler. The nice thing about all this is that McCain and Palin are trailing in the polls. But hey, they ain't giving up. Any more than Hitler gave up. The Germans were dumbed down by all the rhetoric . Maybe it'll happen in America some day. That would be my worst nightmare. But I have a dream, too. A sweet dream. America sees the light. And Obama becomes our first black president. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...


I chose not to run your comment. Because it's too hateful. Clean up your act, and act more like a lady, and then your comments will be welcomed. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Keep trying, Meg. Your second comment still falls short of the high standard we have set for this blog. But it's getting a little bit better. --Jim