Friday, October 24, 2008

Poor examples of human beings.

Freedom. That's a strange word. I'm not so sure that when we use the word, that it means to be free. For instance, when our nation was founded, the ruling elite were free to enslave people. Yes, to literally buy and sell people and force 'em to do the bidding of their 'owners.' Today, we still have the freedom to exploit people. To make huge and obscene profits off the labor of others. Yes, it's an every-man-for-himself mentality. We populate the world with millionaires and billionaires at the same time that we have hordes of people dying of starvation and malnutrition. A wide gap between the rich and the poor. In other words, our so-called 'freedom' comes at the expense of others. We sacrifice the common good for the good of certain elites. The 'haves' have more freedom than the 'have-nots.' That's the system. Political. Economic. Social. And we're told here in America that we have the best system in the world. That it may not be perfect. But that it's the best. Well, folks, it's far, far from perfect. It's downright bad. We could do a whole lot better. We could start by focusing more on the common good and less on what we call the good of the individual. Because what's really meant now is the good of certain individuals. The ruling elite. That's why a presidential candidate such as John McCain thinks it's bad to spread the wealth. To raise taxes on the rich to benefit the poor. McCain wants us to maintain the freedom for anyone to get rich, monetarily speaking. The problem with that is the fact that to get rich many of us sell our souls. Maybe, in a sense, that makes us poor. Poor examples of human beings. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

Ah, freedom. Yes, we are blessed to live in a country that does guarantee our basic freedoms. The problem is not that some have more freedoms than others. The problem is that so many ABUSE those freedoms that we are all meant to enjoy. No freedom is absolute. One person's freedom is curtailed, at the point that it encroaches on another's. I see nothing wrong with a person becoming a millionaire, trillionaire, whatever. What I do object to, is that person not doing their fair share, to support the country that makes it possible for them to attain that goal.

Speaking of which, we are all free to choose to read this blog, or ignore it. However, when you copy and paste your blog entries into the Alzheimer's forum, our freedom to choose is infringed upon. Don't tell me about the "ignore" button. That is a useless tool, that is mostly used by those that feel whatever they have to contribute is worth far more than someone else's. You are no different than those who bend and stretch the rules in society, to suit themselves.

Broede's Broodings said...

I see, Maebee, that you have exercised your freedom to be a nincompoop. --Jim

Maebee said...

Yes, Jim, and you have exercised your habit of name calling.

Broede's Broodings said...

Name-calling, Maebee. That's the "in" thing right now. I'm caught up in the political season. Who isn't calling somebody a name? That's the American way, isn't it? John McCain and Sarah Palin seem to find it all right to call their opponents derogatory names. Of course, that doesn't make it right. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll qualify the name. You're a nice nincompoop. There's something about you that I like. The fact that you keep reading this blog. You always keep coming back for more. You have perseverence and an inner toughness. Gumption. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Name-calling, Maebee. That's the "in" thing right now. I'm caught up in the political season. Who isn't calling somebody a name? That's the American way, isn't it? John McCain and Sarah Palin seem to find it all right to call their opponents derogatory names. Of course, that doesn't make it right. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll qualify the name. You're a nice nincompoop. There's something about you that I like. The fact that you keep reading this blog. You always keep coming back for more. You have perseverence and an inner toughness. Gumption. --Jim

YES!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!! you admitted you are JUST like johnny and sarah!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL told you many times your nothing but a liar

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, dear anonymous, we are all too much like Johnny and Sarah. Untruthful. Liars. Sinners. Imperfect beings. The important thing is to admit it. To recognize it. Sometimes, I am prone to return insult with insult. I am pulled into the game. We all are. Nobody turns the other cheek. Not all the time. That's why we have wars. Why we have dirty, low-down politics. An exchange of insults. Why we call each other assholes. We are only polite to each other by degrees. And we show respect, only by degrees. We even love by degrees. We love conditionally. And that really isn't love. Not pure love. The human condition is to fall short. --Jim