Friday, October 24, 2008

...rather be alive than dead.

I can't see across the lake today. I'm not sure if it's a mist or a fog. The air is still. A bit chilly. By Sunday, we're supposed to have our first snow. And a high of only 40 degrees. I'm in Minnesota. But hey, that's warm in some respects. Noticed the other day that the temperature in Fairbanks in Alaska plummeted to zero. The high was only 15. We'll have that sooner or later in Minnesota. Anyway, I like the change. To cooler weather. Nice. Because it makes me appreciate warmer weather, too. And the hottest of summer days makes me appreciate winter. I like contrast. And diversity, too, when it comes to people. All kinds of people. I'm fascinated by people. The different personalities. Different opinions. Different attitudes. That's how I come around to my beliefs. I listen. And then I form my own opinions. I've decided that life is good. Generally speaking. Life ain't perfect. But I'd rather be alive than dead. --Jim Broede

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