Saturday, November 1, 2008

Americans don't like their noses.

I like socialized medicine. Like they have in Canada and Great Britain and in virtually every industrialized nation. We even have it to some degree in the USA. It's called Medicare. And it benefits primarily people 65 and older. A very nice program. I'd like to see something equivalent extended to Americans of every age. Of course, some people tell me that socialized medicine doesn't work. That there are long lines of people waiting for medical care in Canada and Great Britain. Yes, there are waits for elective surgery. But everyone is covered. Not like in the U.S, where we have 46 million uninsured. And many that have private insurance aren't covered extensively enough. No system is perfect. But socialized medicine is far better than what most Americans have. And you don't see any clamor in Canada and Great Britain for repealing socialized medicine. The Canadians and Brits are too smart to cut off their noses to spite their faces. We Americans don't like our noses. --Jim Broede

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