Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's gonna come true.

My second favorite kind of exercise is physical. I like to walk. Up to 10 miles a day. And jogging, too. Used to be able to run a 7-minute mile. When I was 65. Now I'm 73. And I've slowed down. I don't want to feel like I'm in a hurry. I'd rather take life a bit slower. A more easy-going pace. Except when it comes to my favorite exercise. Yes, exercising my imagination. If curiosity killed, I'd have been dead long ago. I like to dream. And make dreams come true. Usually, a good start is by exercising the imagination. And then to believe what one can imagine. Such as a better world. I've seen America deteriorate in the past 8 years. Under the worst president we've ever had. As I travel the world, I have to confess to the people I meet that I'm ashamed. That we Americans have elected George Bush not only once, but twice. But a year or two ago I imagined things getting better. When I heard about this guy Barack Obama. He caught my attention. And I began to imagine that maybe he could become president some day. And look at what's about to happen. The very thing I imagined. It's gonna come true. --Jim Broede

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