Saturday, November 15, 2008

...a swift kick in the ass.

My salvation is that I'm able to write. If there's nobody else handy at a given moment, I can always write to myself. Or to god. So, when I need to talk, to have human contact, I have it. In that sense, I'm never alone. Some of my most interesting discussions are with myself. And it's best when I put the conversation in writing. Often, it's just a monologue. I speak (write) and listen at the same time. I'm an appreciative audience. I even give myself applause. But I also can chide myself. Even tell myself that I'm lying. And when I do that, I'm really being honest. For calling myself a liar. I also tell myself jokes. Very funny jokes. And that makes me laugh. I really could become a good stand-up comic. Anyway, writing gives me confidence. Because I like what I write. Doesn't matter if other people don't like it. Because I'm a good critic. And I know what's good. I satisfy myself. Even pat myself on the back. But then again, I don't hesitate to occasionally give myself a swift kick in the ass. --Jim Broede

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