Sunday, November 16, 2008

For the common good.

I think there are nice things about government. Especially when dealing with the capitalist, free enterprise system. Yes, I like government regulation. So that free enterprise isn't too free. So that the capitalists don't exploit us, the consumers. I want government to be of the people. The protector of the common good. And yes, I know it's often difficult settling on just what's the common good. We have disagreements over that. Some capitalists will say it's being free to do what we want. But as we all know, sometimes lines have to be drawn in the sand. That's why we have laws and enforcement procedures. Regulations. Boundaries. Limits. I don't trust big business/corporations. At least not when it comes to serving and protecting the common good. That's why we need government intervention. Maybe a tug-o-war, of sorts, between government and private enterprise. Government shouldn't be in business to make profits. Rather to provide essential basic services at reasonably low costs. In an efficient manner. The problem with private enterprise is the profit motive. And profits aren't always good when it comes to serving the common good. I want some of those profits used for narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. Rather than padding the pockets of the already rich. Yes, a bit of redistribution of the wealth. That's why we need government to step in. To bring about change. For the common good. --Jim Broede

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