Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not worthy of a war.

I've never quite understood why we've declared a war on terror. From what I can tell, the so-called terrorists are criminals. Not worthy of a war. They have committed heinous crimes. All over the world. Not just in the U.S. But our Bushie government has chosen to elevate these scoundrels. By declaring war on 'em. What we need is an international police effort to round them up. And put them on trial. Maybe in a World Court. Bringing them to justice. Instead, we've over-reacted. We've gone to "war." To what seems very much like a never-ending conflagration. We Americans are war-mongers. We declare a war on drugs. Or on poverty. On all sorts of things. When really we need practical solutions. And even when we go to war, we do it in half-assed fashion. We were urged by our president to go shopping after 9/11. And we're trying to get by with an all-volunteer army supplemented by paid, unscrupulous mercenaries. And we act like terrorists ourselves, by torturing prisoners and putting them away forever, without trials, in a dungeon called Guantanamo. --Jim Broede

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