Tuesday, November 11, 2008

...reasons to be proud Americans.

I think that many Americans were pushed to the brink of despair in the last 8 years under President George Bush. Despair that so many of us could have elected this man to two terms. Despair that we allowed our country to deteriorate. To go to needless war. To commit so many atrocities. To allow for a widening of the gap between the rich and poor. To watch as our nation's infrastructure steadily crumbled. To leave 46 million Americans without any health insurance. To let the economy collapse. But maybe this will all be for the good. A majority of us finally said last week that enough is enough. We elected a new president. One that gives us hope once again. That we can rally and fix things. So that once again we can have ample reasons to be proud Americans. --Jim Broede

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