Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beyond the physical world.

I've had a cold. So I've spent more than the usual amount of time in bed. Figuring bed rest is better than no or little bed rest, especially when one has a virus. But there's such a thing as being in bed too long. I don't like it. I have a compulsion to be up and about. Moving. Exercising. I'd not live long if I were crippled. I have to be in motion to feel alive. Oh, I know that paralyzed people must make the best of it. Largely, by exercising their minds. But my mind wouldn't be right if I couldn't get physical exercise. And I mean exertion. I like to put strain on the muscles, on the flesh. I think that brings blood to my brain. Oxygen. Makes me clear-headed. There's something nice about being human. Being encased in a physical body. A protection for the spirit and the soul. But if I had a paralyzed body, I'd want out. I'd want to be able to free my spirit and my soul. So that it could soar into another dimension. Beyond the physical world. --Jim Broede

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