Sunday, December 7, 2008

The dead give me comfort.

I talk to the dead. Out loud. As if they are still alive. Who knows? Maybe they are. And they hear me. I have two favorites. One is Jeanne, who was my wife for 36 years. She died almost 2 years ago. But I still talk to her. A whole lot. Sometimes in the quiet of our home. Other times, while I'm out walking. Or maybe when I'm driving. Always when I'm alone. I also talk to Dottie. Especially when I'm out walking. Dottie was our last dog. She died almost 10 years ago. She accompanied me on my daily jogs, for almost 17 years. She was a cross between a black lab and a German shorthair. She looked like the shorthair. The veternarian said Dottie lived so long because she got daily exercise. Anyway, I still share my life with Jeanne and Dottie. Gives me comfort. --Jim Broede

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