Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't live without love.

In a way, I consider myself rich. No, not monetarily. Rather, rich in the happiness quotient. In that I'm in love. And I've been in love most of my life. Oh, I'm comfortable. In terms of good health and other creature comforts. I'm not poor and destitute by any means. I have a nice home. On a lake. And enough money to pay the bills. And do a little bit of traveling. I guess I'd be considered a member of the middle class. I get by. I'm no millionaire. Not even close. But I am very fortunate. In that I had a very happy marriage. To Jeanne. For almost 40 years. Until Jeanne died two years ago. But life goes on. And I'm in love. Again. Just seems so natural to be in love. I'd rather have that than money. If someone told me I could have millions of dollars if I'd just give up love in my life -- I wouldn't take it. Love is by far the most valuable commodity in the world. Oh, I suppose I could live reasonably happy in solitude. But still, I'd need to find an outlet for love. In nature. In writing. In something. I can live without money. Without monetary and material richness. But I can't live without love. --Jim Broede

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