Sunday, December 28, 2008

...instead of a kick in the ass.

Let's end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and then continue to spend money as if we were at war. But let's spend it instead on domestic programs. On health care. And on public works projects, such as new bridges and new highways and new schools and new cultural centers and public transit. Yes, useful things. That's sure a lot better than spending billions of dollars daily on wars. Senseless and immoral wars. Maybe that'll put soldiers out of jobs. But with all the infrastructure projects, they can go to work rebuilding America. Instead of killing people in the name of patriotism. I admit, the American psyche contains a desire to invade countries. Well, if we can't cure that compulsion, let's redirect the invasion. And send in Peace Corps volunteers. To bring peace and prosperity to the entire world. That'll bring us goodwill, even from would-be terrorists. They'll laud our foreign policy and give us a pat on the back instead of a kick in the ass. --Jim Broede

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