Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just the opposite of Bush.

I see that many Republicans have a favorable impression of Barack Obama. Partly from his cabinet appointments. But also because he seems to want to govern from the center. Rather than from the left or the right. He's willing to meet people halfway. We didn't get that from George Bush. Despite the fact that Bush won the first time by the narrowest of margins. In fact, Bush didn't even get a majority of the popular vote. Yet, he governed as if he had an overwhelming mandate for a conservative far-right agenda. He almost completely ignored the people who didn't vote for him. Obama, meanwhile, has pledged to be the president of all the people. Even those who didn't vote for him. He's even appointed to his cabinet some people who denigrated him during the election campaign. Yes, Obama has a sense of fairness. And decency. I didn't see that in George Bush. And that's why I'm critical of him. He let America down. He led us into unnecessary war. His economic policies fueled the economic downturn. He refused to listen to the opposition. He was highly partisan. Now Obama is a refreshing change. He's articulate. Well-read. Intelligent. Open-minded. Yes, just the opposite of Bush. --Jim Broede

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