Monday, December 8, 2008

The something that's missing.

I can converse with anyone who has ever lived. Oh, it may take a little imagination. But all I have to do is address their spirits. More or less the same way that I would chat with god. I can talk to my dear Jeanne. At any time. Doesn't matter that she died almost 2 years ago. The same goes for my mother. My father, too. Or Abe Lincoln. Or Napoleon. Or D. H. Lawrence. Or Genghis Kahn. Oh, I have to be in the right mood. And have the desire to communicate with a spirit. Then I begin the discussion. Maybe by asking a question. Or just telling them what I have on my mind. And then I listen. And they speak to me as if I'm in the spirit world. Where one just has to think a thought. Where the language is universal. Really, it's a nice experience. I like the spiritual connection. Because the people who live in the spirit world have keen insights. They are advanced. Living in another dimension. One very difficult for us physical beings to comprehend. One has to truly experience it to fully understand and grasp, the spirits tell me. Interesting thing, too. They say that the spiritual dimension brings them closer to god. And closer to understanding the concept of love. And that everyone in the spriit world has an overwhelming desire to live forever...because they are permeated by love. Something that all too often is missing in the physical world. --Jim Broede

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