Friday, January 16, 2009
I'd swear it's real.
It's unfortunate when people lack love in their lives. That can be the source of much unhappiness and misery. I'm very much a loner. But I've had love most of my life. A very long-lasting marriage. And after Jeanne died, I thought that would be it. But hey, the world is full of surprises. I'm in love again. Probably, that more than anything, makes me a happy camper. Things can go wrong in my life. But as long as I'm in love -- well, that brings everything into balance once again. I have a theory. That the majority of unhappy people in this world don't have love. They're the chronic gripers. Including some of the ladies that take me to task for being too happy. For not living in the real world. They accuse me...right here in this blog...of living in fantasyland. Well, being in love does feel fantastic. That I'll admit. Actually, it feels like Paradise. It feels so real that I'd swear it's real. --Jim Broede
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Jim you yourself have called me many things including but not limited to Maebee. All of which are wrong. Other times you have praised what I have written. You have also stated many times how I must be unhappy, not in love, ect. I have no way of proving you wrong other than the words I type. I have been married 32 years this June. I have 2 wonderful children both grown sucussful adult children. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I speak to each one of them daily. I have had ups and downs in life just as everyone else has. My husband lost his job 14 years ago due to a plant shut down. Yet I am still very positive and still enjoying life. I also have a parent that has dementia. It saddens me to watch the decline with dementia but I still love both of my parents. (I do not find dementia a wonderful thing) I do not lump others different than myself into groups. Each life is different. I can't even imagine what life would be like if we were all the same. The way I see it is life is beautiful, the difference we have is my world if full of colors beautiful colors no matter what other's feelings, and choice's are. I listen and learn. I read and read, and I am able to see what is real and what is wrong. What makes a flower and what makes a weed, from facts. There are many flowers and weeds. I have learned to be a gardner and my life allows me to weed my garden. I can and do often laugh at the weeds. Sometimes I even feel sorry for the weeds that continue to try and make people think they are flowers. Much like a flowering weed that tries and tries to fit into the garden yet always gets pulled. You see some weeds are a real problems in gardens, and need to be pulled. Weeds try to choke out the flowers. They are undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome. They only have one thought, MY WAY, a hostile take over. There is the difference. Unable to get along with others. Fact not fiction. I get my thoughts from facts.
I will again be signing anonymous. Why because even if I gave you my name, you still won't know whom I am unless you are someone with misintentions. I do not wish to put myself in a position to have my idenity stolen, or stalked. I play safe. I love my life and choose to make it carefree, and safe.
Sounds to me like we are on similar wavelengths. We are speaking each other's language. We're both in love with life. By the way, I like some so-called weeds. Creeping Charlie. I also like rocks. As in rock gardens.
Also, like you, I find dementia to be far less than a wonderful thing. And like you, I try to make the best of bad situations.
And I think it's sad that mankind often divides itself into sometimes hostile and warring groups. Muslims and Christians. Blacks and whites. Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and liberals. But I guess that's the nature of things.
And by the way, I've been called many things, too. Many of which are wrong. I've been praised, too. Maybe undeservedly so.
We're all in the same boat, aren't we? Misunderstood beings. --Jim
Another thought. If someone tells me outright they are in love, I tend to believe 'em. If they tell me they've been married for 32 years, I don't necessarily believe they are in love. I know people who have been married for a long, long time, and they aren't in love. And I know some, too, who aren't married. And they are in love. Marriage doesn't automatically connote love. --Jim
btw Jim, I love my husband he is not only is he my husband but my best friend, lover, and partner in life, we are each others supporters.
I have a response yet sorry to say I have a meeting in 30 minutes.
I believe you. You are among the blessed in this world. That makes at least two of us. You say I have praised you in the past. I understand why. You do sound happy and in love. And busy, too. Keep the faith and the positive vibes. --Jim
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