Friday, January 2, 2009

...a little more leeway.

I do feel a little bit sorry for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. In that he already seems to be convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud and bribery. Convicted in the media, that is. With all the publicity, it's gonna be difficult for the governor to get a fair trial. However, Blagojevich remains optimistic. On the surface, at least. Says he's innocent. And hey, the presumption should be that he is. But virtually everybody assumes he's guilty as hell. Because of what they've read or heard on TV and radio. We're a publicity saturated nation. The pundits and alleged journalists have field days long before these cases go to court. I'm not sure it should be that way. The accused deserve a little more leeway. That's better than convicting them even before they step into court. --Jim Broede

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