Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where love prevails. Everywhere.

I'm feeling sorry for lots of people these days. Especially for Alzheimer care-givers. So many of 'em. I peek in almost daily on the Alzheimer's message boards. And so many care-givers are in bad shape. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Some are having nervous breakdowns. Really, they need to become patients. And turn themselves over to care-givers. Yet, they try to be stoic care-givers. As if they have no choice. Because there's nobody else to take over. Yes, that's sad. For the beleaguered care-givers. And for the sick patients. If I had a magic wand, I'd fix the problem. Immediately. Unfortunately, so many, many of these situations remain unfixed. All over the world, people are in need of help. They can barely exist from day to day. Many won't survive. That's the nature of life. Some survive. Some make it. Others don't. Kind of depressing, isn't it? I wish that as a society we were more atuned to the common good. So that more would survive. I'm among the fortunate. A survivor. A thriver. I have opportunity to savor the good, sweet life. Savor being in love. Some days, I ask myself, what more could I want of life? And I tell myself, a perfect world. Where there's no suffering. Where love prevails. Everywhere. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

You "PEEK" in?? ...Yes...I guess that is what I would call it, too.

Anonymous said...

look quickly, typically in a furtive manner
figurative~protrude slightly so as to be just visible "

attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.

suggestive of guilty nervousness"

Can't for the life of me understand why you even peek, unless it is to feed your superiority complex. I see no real support. Mostly repeats of what is already said, or putdowns that look like advice. Too flippant to be from the heart.