Thursday, January 15, 2009

With renewed hopes...

I kind of like the extreme weather. The extreme cold. Because eventually I appreciate even a little bit of warmth. When it's 20 degrees above zero instead of 20 below. Amazing how one adjusts. Anyway, I know how to dress when I go outdoors. If one dresses properly for cold, it doesn't seem so cold. Actually, it's downright comfortable. I dislike the indoor warmth more than I dislike the outdoor cold. The indoor heat is so very dry. Lots of static electricity. And one's nose can become painfuilly dry. Oh, well. I'll survive. I know that from experience. Anyway, here in Minnesota we're supposed to have a thaw by the beginning of next week. A temperature flirting with 30 degrees. And hey, the Chicago Cubs open spring training in about a month. Another baseball season in the offing. With renewed hopes for a World Series in Chicago. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

skericheri said...

Jim---For me this Inauguration Day will be a day of renewed hope. I will be so happy to see Bush leave the White House.

It will never happen...but...I would love to read a news story that stated that thousands of Americans sent him their old shoes as a send off.