Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zanardi sets the example.

Alex Zanardi. I had never heard of the guy. Until today. He's an Italian. A race car driver. He lost both of his legs in a racing accident a few years ago. An Italian friend introduced me to him. On YouTube. Saw him on David Letterman. And several other video interviews. Zanardi is an eternal optimist. An inspiration. A guy who doesn't stop to feel sorry for himself. He's just happy to be alive. Just so he can enjoy life. With his son. With his wife. With his handicap. I see so many people who feel sorry for themselves. On the verge of nervous breakdowns. Because, for example, they are care-givers for their parents or their spouses. Well, I wish they'd go to YouTube. Call up the name Alex Zanardi. And then think about life. And how wonderful it is. Despite the pitfalls. Yes, Zanardi sets the example for all of us. --Jim Broede

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