Sunday, February 8, 2009

Learn to live in peace.

It's difficult, if not impossible, for me to hold a grudge. I know people who won't talk to each other. Because of some slight. They just cut off communication, period. Won't even say hello if their paths cross. I try to be reasonably nice. To everyone. Even my so-called enemies. Of course, people who dislike me -- well, some of 'em won't give me the courtesy of a friendly greeting. Even if someone has crossed me, I still try to be reasonably cordial on a chance meeting. There just doesn't seem to be anything gained by being discourteous. Or downright rude. I suppose ignoring would be a better alternative. But the best option, it seems to me, is to try to patch up differences. At least to some degree. We have too many conflicts in this world that linger, that never get resolved. Because of grudges. Take the Israeli-Palestinian rift, for instance. For gawd's sake, I say, settle things. Learn to live in peace. With each other. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Seems to me a lot of your so-called enemies gave you the courtesy of their thoughts and prayers when your wife passed away. I guess you thought it better to ignore them rather than being downright rude?

Broede's Broodings said...

Tell me, anon56, do you feel ignored? Is that the basis of your complaints? Do you want me to pay more attention to you? Do you feel spurned? I'm sensing that may be the problem. Am I too aloof to suit you? Do you feel I have a character flaw? And do you propose fixing it? Fixing me? Do you think there's any hope of that ever happening? I'm curious. Why do you keep coming back to this blog? It's not required reading, you know. I seem to bother you, don't I? Like you want to make a better man of me. And yes, it's probably better to ignore than be downright rude. Don't you think so? Anyway, I'm giving you much coveted attention now, aren't I? Does that make you feel better? Or is this verging on rudeness? I suspect you are too easily offended. Lighten up. And come out of the shadows. Nobody is gonna bite you. --Jim